How Do I Explain the Quilt Ninja

It all started in 2008.  I went to the Virginia Consortium of Quilters (VCQ) “Celebration” at Smith Mountain Lake.  That year they were sponsoring an “Apron Contest”.

01 Jackie OBrien Sewing Smock Front IJ694

02 Jackie OBrien Sewing Smock Back IJ694

I chose a sewing themed fabric that was too busy to embroider so I embroidered black Kona fabric and made many pockets including a license plate.  Sometimes my brain can be a scary thing.  I got an idea to make a pocket like a quiver for my back to hold a ruler & a pocket on the front to hold a rotary cutter.

This video sort of shows my Ninja powers.  A friend Lisa Burgess and I were challenging each other to a “Pillowcase Off”.  We had a race to see who could make a pillowcase the fastest.  I think Lisa won!

03 Quilt Nina 2008

Anyway, back to my story.  I won 1st Place in the apron contest and my alter ego was born.  Everywhere I went people wanted to see the “Quilt Ninja”.  I even named her “Myrtle May, the Quilt Ninja” (said with a deep southern accent)!!!

04 Quilt Ninja in Deltaville

This photo is hysterical.  I was giving a trunk Show to the Deltaville Stingrays Quilt Guild when I whipped out my ruler and it broke! I scared the crap out of myself and everyone else!  Just look at my face!

Needless to say Myrtle May the Quit Ninja needs a new wardrobe from time to time.  (She even dyes her hair now and then too.)

Then there was this version that was later altered…

I became a Studio 180 Design Certified Instructor in 2013 and now needed a place for my Magic Wand.



This version is a prototype.  I’m playing around with Studio 180 Design Merit Badges for tool expertise!


Life is good!

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