Tag Archives: Tuckerville

So, this is Tuckerville

Spring has finally sprung here in Central New York.  I spent the last week in March in North Carolina with Deb Tucker and my fellow Studio 180 Design Certified Instructors (CI’s).  We meet up every year to continue our Studio 180 education.  It is one of my favorite gatherings.  It is so good to see everyone again.  We learn so much from each other.  We are more like a family than CI’s.


This is Carla Alexiuk and I with Dan Perkins photo bombing us!


Some blocks from a pre-cut challenge.

The best part was we got to play with Deb’s new tool coming out at Spring Market, it’s fabulous!

The other best part of my trip was spending time with my Sons Jason & Josh, whom I love and adore!

On the way home I stopped in Virginia Beach and taught a Northern Neighbors class.  We had such a good time!

I sure miss you guys!

When I got home it was my determination to paint my quilt studio aptly named “Tuckerville”!


Painting paneling is horrible!  But this room was so dark I couldn’t stand it anymore.  I chose what I consider to be a happy color “Aqua Chiffon”!

The stairwell is bright now!  You can see the Joyce McCorduck (my mother) memorial Shultz & Dooley display.  The girls to welcome you at the bottom of the stairs, along with one of my brooms for a fast get away!  And, Grandma Bessie’s quilt watching over me!

It is a long room, with places to sew and 2 cutting stations, a design wall, not to mention a comfortable couch and big TV.  I love the new color.

I want to introduce you to the “Mayor of Tuckerville”


Her name is Tucker, Tuck for short, because she has already tucked herself in my heart.  I pick her up in a few weeks, there will be more pictures to follow.

Go quilt something!