Tag Archives: Snow Crystal

The Tree Skirt That Wanted to be a Quilt – OBW #106

December is so busy, I haven’t had a chance to do much sewing. Last Summer I decided to take Deb Tucker’s pattern Snow Crystal and put it in the middle of a One Block Wonder (OBW). Snow Crystal is made with the Star 60 Tool.

The fabric is Flower Festival by Benartex. The flowers are about 7″ across. I bought it back in 2022. The background is a dark plum color.

When I started to assemble the quilt when I discovered a problem. I had 3″ too much in the length of the hexie rows that were being attached to the Snow Crystal Center. The Snow Crystal Star finished at 36″, I made my hexies to finish at 6″. 

Friends helped me figure out I had to take out a diagonal row. Sometimes it takes a village! I hadn’t had a chance to get back to it. Yesterday, December 23rd I decided to tackle the problem. I fixed the rows and was able to stitch the quilt together. I hate leaving a quilt with a problem to start the new year. This quilt was on my list to get done in 2023! Although it is not quilted yet, at least it is stitched together.

Flower Festival came out larger than I thought it would, it measures 74″ x 80″. Now I need to get back to baking, there is a peppermint cake waiting to be frosted and rolls to make. Mery Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone.

@studio180design #studio180design @Snowcrystal #snowcrystal @star60tool #star60tool @OBWs #OBWs