17 Years of Leftover Hexies – OBW #100

Crazed quilter makes 100 of the same quilt, sort of! I made my first One Block Wonder (OBW) in April 2006. One evening looking through my Hancocks of Paucah catalog I saw an ad for a book called “One Block Wonders, One Fabric, One Shape, One of a Kind Quilts” by Maxine Rosenthal. Little did I know that in 2017 two of my OBW’s would actually be in Maxine’s book “One Block Wonders of the World!

I was intrigued and ordered the book. I was so excited and had so much fun making my first OBW. I was totally hooked. Everyone loved my OBW’s. I started teaching the process that same year. I never thought in a million years that I would end up making 100 OBW’s. I made #99 in December 2022. Everyone kept asking what was I going to do for #100? I didn’t have a clue. Then the light bulb went off. I should make a OBW from all my leftover hexies, thay would certainly be different.

When making OBW’s, sometimes you use all your hexies and sometimes you don’t. I just started storing the leftover hexies in a tub. After 17 years I had quite a collection of leftover hexies. I love trees and had hoped to fashion a tree out of my leftovers. But I didn’t have the right colors and couldn’t quite get there. I was discouraged, then I thought I should just start designing and see what happens. I sorted the hexies by predominate color and went to work.

I thought…this is going to work! I counted hexies from 32 different OBW’s going back to the first year, wowza!

I was closely supervised by my Quality Control Chihuahua, Tucker!

I wanted the hexies to tell the story, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t jazz up the borders. I added Hollow Cube 60’s, Framed 60’s, Capped 60’s, Quad 60’s Checkerboard 60’s and Star 60’s using my Star 60 Tool by Deb Tucker. 17 Years of Leftover hexies measures 74″ x 108″. I seem to keep making quilted murals!

I still have leftover hexies!!!

18 thoughts on “17 Years of Leftover Hexies – OBW #100

  1. Marie

    I am always stunned by the beauty of your OBWs. I this one is no exception! I was wondering: do all of your OBWs use the same size hexies, to allow for this ‘mash up’ ? Or maybe the is the reason why you still have leftovers? Some of these are of a different size?


  2. lauraneidichgmailcom

    This is amazing! I never thought all those scrap hexes would work in one quilt, but your skills and artistic vision continue to surprise me! Congrats on a beautiful memorable 100th OBW❤️



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