Cardinals in Winter – OBW #99

I have just completed my 99th OBW.

Theis panel is Call of the Wild, 2017 by Hoffman Fabrics. This top meaures 56″ x 100″. It is not quilted yet. I made this quilt in Memory of my Grandmother, Bessie Armstrong McCorduck, who alway fed the Cardianls in Winter.

This quilt features Checkerboard 60 blocks as my snowflakes and Hollow Cube 60’s as my water’s edge and black ice.

#star60tool #studio180design #debtucker #checkerboard60 #hollowcube60

18 thoughts on “Cardinals in Winter – OBW #99

  1. Jean Jeszke

    Do you have a tutorial for using some of your panel in tje midfle and then using the blocks on the outside edges
    Then how to sew it together


  2. Deb Grundman

    Thank you Jackie! What lovely inspiration you offer us! A FIRST OBW is on my list for 2023! I’m also an upstate NY person (Waterville) so perhaps someday we will meet when I’m back for a visit. Currently in northern CA.


      1. Deb Grundman

        Hello Jackie. I’m wondering if you can help me with a problem. I am using the book ‘One Block Wonder – Encore’ by Pelzmann and Rosenthal. I’m trying to incorporate hollow cubes into my first OBW. When I try to make the Hollow Cube with an open side (on right or left), I have trouble matching the seams of the smallest triangle with the ‘stripe’ on the triangle to be sewn together. My ‘easing’ of the seam to match the contrasting colors leaves me with a pucker. Can you offer me any advice? Thank you.


      2. ifthesethreadscouldtalk Post author

        Are you making Deb Tucker’s Hollow Cube 60’s? Maxine Rosenthal’s are for 6” finished hexies only. I think someone on the OBWQF facebook page creating cutting instructions for different sizes. The finished size cubes have to be same size as you finished size hexies. I use and teach deb Tucker’s Hollow Cube 60’s be cause they come out perfect every time and can be made in 16 sizes.


      3. Deb Grundman

        Good question. I’m not sure about the Rosenthal cubes. I used your tutorial instructions for the cutting of the OBW triangles. They appear to be compatible, but I may need to double check. I will explore Deb Tucker’s Hollow Cube 60’s. Thanks for the tip.


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